Selected Publications

Architecture for Medicine. A Cultural History of the Medical University of Vienna and University Hospital Vienna

Edited by Markus Müller, Stefan Oláh and Ulrike Matzer
Basel: Birkhäuser 2024.

The Medical University of Vienna – together with its teaching hospital, University Hospital Vienna, – is one of the world’s best-known and most richly traditional medical training and research facilities. Collectively, they form a distinct district that shapes the surrounding cityscape. This built fabric, which has developed over the course of around 250 years, has now been photographed by Stefan Oláh. The book offers a visual parcours through these places of medical knowledge and activity. It also reveals aspects that are otherwise hidden. This aesthetically impressive diagnosis is enhanced by Ulrike Matzer’s investigation of the subject from the perspectives of cultural and scientific history.

Graphic Design: Willi Schmid

Book presentation: March 20, 2024, 5 p.m., Jugendstil lecture theater, MedUni Campus AKH, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna > photo stream

Spezialistinnen ihres Fachs. Zu Unrecht vergessene Fotografinnen

In: FOTOTECHNIKa edited by Caroline Heider, Ruth Horak, Lisa Rastl and Claudia Rohrauer

Salzburg: Fotohof edition, 2023, pp. 20–27.

Is photographic technology masculine? How does its history change when written from a female perspective? Can photo technology be gendered? Yes! When tech-savvy female artists bring digital and analogue workflows into the picture, take the camera fetish literally, when they make 3D-modelled body fragments appear out of thin air, produce autoradiographs with samples of radioactive mineral pitchblende or stage equilibrium studies after Lucia Moholy. What images emerge when technology is the motif and its authors are female?

Contributors: Caroline Heider, Ruth Horak, Ulrike Matzer, Claudia Rohrauer, Katharina Steidl, Franz Thalmair.
Graphic Design: Leopold Sikoronja

Lectures & Performances: FOTOTECHNIKa II – Wie "weiblich" ist die Fototechnik?, May 6, 2023, Fotohof Salzburg.

Karl Schwanzer, exhibition design "Dienst am Volk", Vienna 1952. Photo: Photo Meyer © Karl Schwanzer Archiv, Wien Museum

The Buildings and Their Images. Karl Schwanzer's Use of Photography and Film

In: Passionately Modern. Karl Schwanzer and His Architecture. An Anthology in Photographs,1947–75, edited by Caroline Schwanzer and Mirko Pogoreutz

Basel: Birkhäuser, 2021, pp. 371–389.

Austrian architect Karl Schwanzer (1918–75) was one of the most productive and innovative designers of his generation. His unique sense of architecture’s iconic impact enabled him to anticipate several aesthetic paradigms early on: atmosphere, staging, and performing. He thought of architecture as an interdisciplinary undertaking, and incorporated the latest media into his designs, particularly film and photography. His impressive oeuvre is presented here for the first time. This book also focuses a spotlight on photographers who documented his work.

Contributors: Charlotte Blauensteiner, Max Gruber, Timo Huber, Rudolf Kohoutek, Rüdiger Lainer, Ulrike Matzer, Heinz Neumann, Andreas Nierhaus, Laurids Ortner, Boris Podrecca, Mirko Pogoreutz, Wolf D. Prix, Caroline Schwanzer, Martin Schwanzer.
Graphic Design: Willi Schmid
Editorial Supervision: Ulrike Matzer, Mirko Pogoreutz

Photography Research from a Feminist Perspective

In: Photography as Motif, edited by Caroline Heider, Ruth Horak, Lisa Rastl and Claudia Rohrauer

Vienna: Mark Pezinger Books, 2021, pp. 138–143.

Book Launch: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, library, 14 december 2022, 6 p.m. An evening about photography: about theory and practice, about reproducing, about instruments and terms, about women and photography, about the necessities of photographic education and book design.

Photography Practice – Variation – Authorship – Reflection. Three women artists whose careers each began with professional training in photography or camera reflect on their craft, their qualifications, their technical and theoretical expertise, and their work on the motif. In short: all the facets of image-generating media in the image. The result is an artists' book, a work of photographic theory, and a practical handbook of photography.

Contributors: Caroline Heider, Ruth Horak, Ulrike Matzer, Lisa Rastl, Claudia Rohrauer, Andreas Spiegl, Franz Thalmair.
Graphic Design: Astrid Seme

Identity in Transition. Luo Yang's photo series GIRLS and YOUTH

In: GIRLS, YOUTH. Luo Yang, Selected Works, edited by Alfred Weidinger on behalf of OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH and Gabriele Spindler.

Vienna: VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH, 2021, pp. 5–11.

Luo Yang is considered the shooting star of the current Chinese photo scene. This book combines essential examples from her two work series GIRLS and YOUTH.
In my essay I analyse Luo Yang’s portraits of the Chinese Generation Y against the background of the country’s accelerated societal transformation. Just as in the 'west' also in China more and more adolescents begin to question their gender identity and to play with outfits, attitudes, and accessories. However, given the traditional notions of binary gender roles and a conservative nuclear family model, social pressure exerted on them is quite burdensome.

Contributors: Ulrike Matzer, Gabriele Spindler
Graphic Design: Studio Es

Karl Schwanzer – Traces. A Pictorial Inventory

With Photographs by Stefan Oláh
Edited by Ulrike Matzer and Stefan Oláh, Basel, Birkhäuser, 2019.

The extensive œuvre of the architect Karl Schwanzer (1918–75) is as notable for his insatiable inventiveness as for his love of craftsmanship and choice of materials. But what remains of his works? And how has their built substance changed over the years?

Stefan Oláh has embarked on a search for these traces. As an architectural photographer Oláh records the buildings as they are today, decades after their construction. The precision of the large color photographs corresponds with Schwanzer’s refined design. In this sense, this book is the visual commentary on his architectural work.

Contributors: Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Otto Kapfinger, Laura Karasinski, Therese Leick, Michaela Lindinger, Ulrike Matzer, Sophie Menasse
Graphic Design: Willi Schmid

Anonymous, rental building Köstlergasse 1 (Linke Wienzeile 38), view from the scaffold of the building Linke Wienzeile 40, 1899 © private collection

Fotografien als strategische ‚Waffe‘. Otto Wagners Einsatz des Mediums im Architekturdiskurs der Moderne.

In: Rundbrief Fotografie, Vol. 27 (2020), No. 3 [N. F. 107], pp. 42–49.

Marianne Strobl, „Industrie-Photograph“ 1894–1914

Contributions to A History of Photography in Austria, Vol. 15

Contributors: Ulrike Matzer, Andreas Nierhaus, Hanna Schneck.
Graphic Design: Martha Stutteregger

Frame and Focus. Photography as a Schooling Issue

Contributions to a History of Photography in Austria, Vol. 11

Edited by Maren Gröning in cooperation with Ulrike Matzer
Salzburg – Wien: Fotohof edition, 2015

This reader is the fruit of a two-day workshop which was organized under the title "Die Photographie als Schuldisziplin" ("Photography as a Schooling Issue") at the Photoinstitut Bonartes with the help of the Albertina in Vienna from May 10 to 12, 2012. The workshop aimed at launching a discussion on the preliminary results of a research project regarding the Austrian photochemist and historian of photography Josef Maria Eder (1855–1944), which was supported by the Austrian Science Fund.

Contributors: Julia Blume, John Fleetwood, Christine Frisinghelli, Maren Gröning, André Gunthert, Klaus Hentschel, Alfred Holzbrecher, Ulrike Matzer, Anne McCauley, Michael R. Peres, Rudolf Scheutle, Walter Seidl, Ann Thomas, Marija Tonković.
Graphic Design: Martha Stutteregger

Das wilde Denken in der Schule; "Alte & neue Redensarten sinken ineinander". Erwin Einzingers Verwendung von mundartlichem Sprachmaterial

In: Die Rampe – Hefte für Literatur Bd. 3/2014: Porträt Erwin Einzinger

Edited by Leopold Federmair on behalf of the Adalbert-Stifter-Institut des Landes Oberösterreich, Linz 2014, pp. 63–65 and 115–118.

Artist’s artist of the literary world, écrivain pour écrivain(e)s – above all it is his colleagues who highly appreciate the Austrian writer and translator Erwin Einzinger. In this book the pay tribute to his works.

Contributors: i.a. Ann Cotten, Hans Eichhorn, Günther Eisenhuber, Christine Haidegger, Hans Höller, Jochen Jung, Walter Kappacher, Michael Köhlmeier, Alfred Kolleritsch, Helmut Neundlinger, Teresa Präauer, Ilma Rakusa, Peter Rosei, Brita Steinwendtner, Peter Waterhouse.

The History of Austrian Photography, 1939–1969

In: The History of European Photography, 1939–1969

Edited by Václav Macek. Central European House of Photography; FOTOFO, Bratislava and Eyes On – Month of Photography Vienna, 2014, pp. 20–45.

The History of European Photography (1900–2000) was an international research project spanning the whole of Europe. Each volume of the encyclopaedia is organized alphabetically by country. A study on the history of photography in each country is written by an expert of photography from that country. This encyclopaedia is the first of its kind in photography. Its target group is not only experts and scholars, but also a broader public interested in the medium.

Aglaia Konrad, Iconocity. With interventions and a text by Willem Oorebeek (detail)

Mise en page mise en espace. Aglaia Konrads Arbeit Iconocopicity

In: Eyes on the City. Urbane Räume in der Gegenwartsfotografie, edited by Otto Hochreiter and Christina Töpfer.
Salzburg: Pustet 2012, pp. 100–103.

Contributors: Hubertus Adam, Hubertus von Amelunxen, Jean-François Chevrier, Angelika Fitz, Elke Krasny, Ulrike Matzer, Christina Natlacen, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Andreas Prinzing, Christina Töpfer, Michael Zinganel.

"Schon das jeweilige Zusammenkommen von Männern, welche dasselbe Ziel anzustreben haben, ist von nicht geringer Bedeutung." Die Vereinspolitik der Photographischen Gesellschaft unter geschlechtsspezifischer Perspektive

In: Die Explosion der Bilderwelt. Die Photographische Gesellschaft in Wien 1861–1945, edited by Michael Ponstingl, Vienna: Brandstätter 2011, pp. 176–195.

Contributors: Monika Faber, Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, Maren Gröning, Astrid Mahler, Ulrike Matzer, Dorothea Peters, Michael Ponstingl, Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Werner Sobotka, Timm Starl.
Graphic Design: Martha Stutteregger

Josef Dabernig: WARS; Peter Land: The Ride; Petra Egg: Grand Tour; Manuela Mitterhuber: "non-fiction game"

In: magazin [8]. Annual Report 2003 of the Salzburger Kunstverein

Published by Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg 2004, pp. 75–77, 82–85, 86–88, 98–101

Editorial Supervision: Ulrike Matzer
Book Design: Martha Stutteregger

The Künstlerhaus presents itself. Artists and initiatives in the Salzburg Künstlerhaus; dctp Salon: Alexander Kluge's Television Service; Elizabeth Peyton: 16 Artists

In: magazin [7]. Annual Report 2002 of the Salzburger Kunstverein

Published by Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg 2003, pp. 23–34, 52–55, 56–61

Editorial Supervision: Ulrike Matzer
Book Design: Martha Stutteregger

magazin [6]. Annual Report 2001 of the Salzburger Kunstverein

Published by Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg 2002

Editorial Supervision: Ulrike Matzer
Book Design: Florian Pumhösl

Cora Pongracz: Fotografie

Edited by Silvia Eiblmayr, Rainer Iglar and Michael Mauracher, Fotohof edition vol. 20, Salzburg 2001

Contributors: Reinhard Priessnitz, Maren Richter, Ferdinand Schmatz
Editorial Supervision: Silvia Eiblmayr, Ulrike Matzer
Book Design: Dorit Margreiter